As Reviewed by James Brundage
Warning : You should not see this movie if you have a heart condition.
In this suspense-filled thrill ride co-written and co-produced by Michael Crichton(co-writer of the screenplay Jurassic Park), Helen Hunt(Mad About You) plays a tornado chaser who seeks to give earlier warnings for people because her father was kill when she was little by an F5(Fuijitsi scale, a scale that measures how much a tornado "eats"), the largest type of tornado. She intends to do so by using the "Dorthy" probes, a system developed by her ex-husband that will send small modules into the tornado, something that will "learn as much in 30 minutes as we have in 30 years".
The cast has at least 3 TV actors (exculding Helen Hunt), which include two Must See TV fame people(a friend of Johnathan Silverman on "The Single Guy" and the person who plays "Lance Brockwell" Jamie's boss on "Mad About You"), as well as that farmiliar face that you always see on "The X-Files", getting high on some oddity. In this film the characters are getting high on adrenaline, and its scary enough to give you an adrenaline high as well. . . A must see.
Movie Reviews by James Brundage